Youth Envy 01
When I rushed into Spanish class, I felt the multitude of eyes burning me like a rushed sip of hot coffee in the morning while I hopelessly scanned through the room for a chair to sit. As the professor talked about language and accents, I was busy realizing how young the rest of the class was.
This crowd made me feel in high school all over again, it also made me realize how annoying I used to be back then. But the passion and intelligence of those kids inspired me and the youth in their faces gave me a bittersweet nostalgia.
I felt old in the class, mind you, I'm just in my twenties, but I sensed the high vibrations coming from the souls of those kids and it felt great! After that experience, I understand why there is youth envy in the world. I call “youth envy” the strong desire to feel and look younger.
Some humans seem to have a need to connect to youth because it makes them feel alive. Last year, I got hired for an internship mainly because the organization needed a young perspective at the office.
People feel the need to be close to the youth because a young soul brings innocence, enthusiasm and a reflection of joy into people’s lives.
See, the thing is, when one is young, one is naive, pure, and unaware of the bitter ways of life. However, one needs those experiences to make us wiser, aware of ourselves and the world we live in.
Youth envy goes beyond desiring or being around the youth. It goes towards the fact that, as we mature, we tend to miss our younger selves, the free time, and even the tranquility that comes from naiveness.
Youth envy reflects in the money we spend on a consistent basis to stay looking fresh. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2017 approximately 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures were done, not mentioning the 15.7 million minimally invasive procedures such as Botox and fillers performed in the same year.
Youth envy is the monthly facials and weekly trips to the salon or barbershop. Youth envy goes as far as people denying their ages at barbecues parties out of the fear of being judged as old and boring.
But it does not have to be this way, as a twenty-something-year-old individual. Let me tell you, I seek wisdom in all the people I chose to include in my life, from my romantic partner to my Brazilian wax lady. I believe wisdom is the armor of protection from the uncertainties life can bring and is amazing to have wise people around to learn from.
There is nothing wrong with getting some fillers here and there, is okay to want our youth back but I also want to remind you that wisdom is much better. After all, we are only given one life at the time. So, instead of focusing on the lack, let us be mindful that life is a journey and the only thing we should focus on is on making it the best journey it can possibly be.

When I meet new people, one of the first questions I get is, “Is that your real hair?” “What do you put in your hair to make it that curly?” “How did you find the patience to grow it out?”
Since young, I used to sit on the floor for hours, while letting mom pull these thick, strands of hair in the effort to manage it. One day, as a gift for my birthday, I was taken to the hair salon to get my hair permanently straightened. I stepped out of the hair salon feeling beautiful and confident. I felt ready to join the group of pretty girls from school.
It took me ten years to realize, I was no longer willing to lose the health of my hair in the effort to change it into something that is not meant to be. That made me wonder, “Do I really want to sacrifice the health of my hair, for others to find me appealing?”.
Nine months later, I was not wearing those expensive hair extensions. I was having my natural hair out.
Wearing my natural hair out is more than just rocking a new beauty trend, for me. The decision of making my natural hair a part of my everyday life, is to simply stand up for my beliefs. By embracing the natural hair, I’m sending a message that says, “Is okay not to fit into the standards of beauty that society dictates.” By accepting my hair natural I’m standing for diversity.
Diversity is not just your hair type or skin color. Diversity is where you come from, the language you speak, the culture you carry, your personal interests, your morals and beliefs, your talents and much more. Diversity is much more than a physical appearance, diversity is your unique identity. So, come as you are.
Tips on how to achieve moisturized and defined curls.
First things first:
Say “Goodbye” to the hot tools. Believe it or not, curls are delicate. When you abuse the use of hot tools on your hair, the curl losses its pattern. Resulting on dry, loose and broken curls. This varies depending on your hair type.
If you decide to go for a nice blow out, make sure you use heat protection and give yours strands a deep, nourishing treatment after, to restore your hair from the stress of hot tools.
To keep your curls and waves moisturized, opt for products that moist your strands. Always apply the product focusing on the ends and moving it towards the roots. By moisturizing you are avoiding breakage, resulting on long and shiny textured tresses.
Do your own research:
Grab a mirror and carefully study your hair on its natural state. By studying your own hair, you will understand how your works and what kind of treatment your hair needs. Textured hair can be oily and thin, as well as, dry and thick. In my case, my hair tends to get dry. Due to the thickness of the curls, preventing the natural oils from moisturizing the rest of my hair.
My current Favorites products:
· Cantu Natural Hair - Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream.
· SheaMoisture - Community Commerce Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Hair Masque.
· MIXED CHICKS- Sulfate Free Shampoo.
· Shea Moisture Omega 3, 6, 9 Rescue Repair Hair Masque.
· ECO Styler Black Castor & Flaxseed Oil Gel.
· CHI 44 Iron Guard Thermal Protection Spray.
· Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Penetrating Oil, by OGX.
#diversity #naturalhair #beauty #health #embrace

Let’s talk about the relationship between my confidence and fitness lifestyle. I began going to the gym when I was seventeen. Through the years, I realized being “Fit” is more than having a set of toned arms and legs. Being “Fit” is about putting your health as a priority by working out and having a good diet.
Yes, I dropped a few pounds, gained some muscle but the best was that I obtained a big boost of confidence. The gym became and still is the place I go when I’m exited and full of energy, is also the place I go to release my stress and bad moods. Choosing fitness as a lifestyle is about developing a mind-body connection that pushes you through the pain and burn of every workout.
Some enter the gym to achieve short-term goals but what they don’t understand is that fitness is a lifestyle and maintaining a fit /healthy body takes commitment, consistency, self-control, and lots of motivation. Fitness taught me how important is to stay focused on the path to achieve success in anything we do.
Fitness empowers me as a woman, has made me physically and mentally strong and makes me proud of the athlete I’ve made out of myself.. If you are looking for motivation and workout tips, look at my favorite trainers/bloggers below:
-Massy Arias
-Jessica Arevalo
-Heidy Sommers
-Sasha Fitness
-Karina Elle

Many people ask me “what do I put on my curls to define them that much?”
Well, besides moisturizing my hair with a good conditioner, the key to my defined curls is the L.O.C method.
What is the L.O.C method?
The Liquid Oil Cream Method or L.O.C method is a technique that hydrates the hair and consists of:
1) Moisturizing the hair with a water-based product.
2) Sealing the hair’s moisture with your favorite oil.
3) Applying a cream product to close the hair cuticle and retain hydration.
Follow these three steps in this order before doing any of your favorite hairstyles. Your hair will absorb more moisture as it air dries.
This method can work in any curl type but is recommended to really dry, coarse hair and remember to warp your curls into a satin cap at night to preserve the moisture in your curls.
The L.O.C method can be useful to achieve the bests twist outs, Bantu knots or simply a wash and go.
Ps: If you want to add some versatility to your hair as it transitions and doesn’t know how to do any of these techniques, go to the links below and watch some of my favorite YouTube tutorials.
Bantu Knots
Three strands Twist-Out
Two strands twist-Out
Products I use:
-Emergencia- Tratamiento suavizante control volume.
-Pantene-Gold Series, Detangling Milk/ Leave-in
-ORX-Argan oil of Morocco, Extra penetrating for dry & coarse hair.
- As I am- Twist defining cream.
#Curlcare#Definition Texture#twistouts#moisture